As parents and educators, instilling good values and behaviors in our children is one of our most important responsibilities. It's a journey that begins at a young age, and what better way to start than with the help of engaging and informative books? Joy Berry's best-selling self-help books for 5, 6, and 7-year-olds, which have sold over 85 million copies worldwide. These books are invaluable tools for nurturing positive character traits in young minds.

The Joy Berry Legacy

Joy Berry Enterprises has been a prominent name in children's literature for decades. Joy Berry, the prolific author behind this series, recognized the need for accessible and relatable materials that could help parents, teachers, and caregivers impart essential life lessons to children in a fun and engaging manner. Her books have become a trusted resource for character development, and 'Help Me Be Good' is a shining example of her impactful work.

The 'Help Me Be Good' Series

Teaching Values Through Story

Joy Berry's 'Help Me Be Good' series consists of books focusing on a specific character trait or behavior. These books are designed to address common challenges and dilemmas that children often encounter. From sharing and honesty to responsibility and kindness, there's a book for every important life lesson.

Age-Appropriate Content

Their age-appropriate content sets these books apart. The language and concepts are tailored to understand 5, 6, and 7-year-olds. This ensures that children can grasp the lessons being taught and apply them to their daily lives.

Engaging Illustrations

Each book's vibrant and engaging illustrations make them visually appealing to young readers. The combination of relatable stories and colorful artwork captures children's attention and keeps them engaged.

Interactive Learning

'Help Me Be Good' books encourage interactive learning. They often include questions, activities, and scenarios that prompt children to think critically about the discussed values. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of the lessons.

Positive Reinforcement

Joy Berry emphasizes positive reinforcement throughout her books. Children are encouraged to recognize and celebrate their efforts in practicing good behavior. This boosts their self-esteem and motivation to continue doing the right thing.

Impact and Endorsements

With over 85 million copies sold, the 'Help Me Be Good' series has left an indelible mark on children's literature. Parents, teachers, and caregivers from around the globe have embraced these books as essential tools for character education. The endorsements and testimonials speak volumes about their effectiveness in shaping young minds.


Joy Berry's 'Help Me Be Good' series is a treasure trove of wisdom for parents and educators. These books serve as beacons of light in a world where positive role models and moral guidance are invaluable. They help children understand the importance of good behavior and empower them to make positive choices.

If you have a 5, 6, or 7-year-old, consider introducing them to the world of 'Help Me Be Good' books. You'll provide them with valuable life skills enjoyably and memorably. These books are not just best-sellers but invaluable companions on the journey to raising responsible, kind, and compassionate individuals.